Alder Ingomar Winter MG42 Gunner
Existencias : Agotado
Número del artículo : 25
Referencia : 70474
Código EAN : 089195704740
Tipo : Figuras completas
Nacionalidad : Alemania
Época : 2ª Guerra Mundial
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Uniform : Stahlhelm M35/40 w/ white-washed paint - Sheepskin Winter Coat- M37 Trousers, Langehosen - White Over-trousers - SS M42 Field Blouse - Toque (Head Hat) - Bergschuhe Mountain Boots with Puttees.
Equipment : MG Gunner Tool Pouch (white-wash) - Saddle Drum for MG 34/42 - M31 Breadbag
- SS Equipment Belt - M38 Gas Mask Container - P-38 Holster with white-wash paint - M31 Mess Kit with white-wash paint - M31 Water Bottle (white-wash).
Weapon : MG42 Machine Gun (white-wash) - Walther P-38 - S84/98 Bayonet and Scabbard.
Insignia : 1939 Iron Cross (2nd class) Ribbon - Infantry Assault Badge - 1939 Wound Badge in Black - Collar Tabs (SS-Sturmmann) - Waffen SS Sleeve Eagle - Waffen SS Gebirgsjager Patch - Sleeve Rank (SS-Sturmmann) - Shoulder Tab (SS-Gebirgsjager)