marcus holzhammer

Dragon Action Figure

Marcus holzhammer

Existencias : Agotado

Número del artículo : 406

Referencia : DRF 70430

Código EAN : 3666793340951

Tipo : Figuras completas

Nacionalidad : Alemania

Época : 2ª Guerra Mundial

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LUFTWAFFE FLAK Gunner with 2cm FLAK 38


Uniforme :
Luftwaffe Fliegermutze Sidecap -  Stahlhelm M35/40 (Metal) - M35 Fliegerbluse (early ver.) (first release) - Luftwaffe Field Trousers - Marching Boots.

Equipement : Kar98k Pouches - Luffwaffe M31 Bread Bag - Luftwaffe Belt - M38 Gas Mask Container (Luftwaffe) -  S84/98 Bayonet -  M31 Mess Kit (Luftwaffe) - S84/98 Bayonet Scabbard - M31 Water Bottle with hair.

Weapons : 2cm Flak 38 (new tooled) - Kar98k Rifle - Kar98K Stripper Clip Ammunition - 2cm ammo (new tooled) - 2cm ammo case (20 round) (new tooled) - 2cm ammo case (used) (new tooled).

Insignia :  Luftwaffe FLAK Badge - Shoulder Tabs - Luftwaffe Artillery (Kanonier) - Collar Tabs (LW Artillery - Private) (first release).

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